Life Under Lockdown: Tips for Staying in Touch & Beating Boredom

Jeannette and Matthew

Table of Contents

We’ve been asking our clients and carers how they are beating the boredom and for some top isolation tips to make life a little easier under lockdown.

It seems we have an innovative team of Christies Carers making sure that their clients are kept busy. We also have lots of suggestions coming in from our clients too.

Send us your tips and stories on how you have been beating the boredom. We like to share all your good news.

Jeanette is isolating with her client, Matthew (photo above). She writes:

“I’m blessed that my client has enough presence of mind to be able to recall and discuss at length.

Apart from his normal routine we have a discussion in the evening. He has picked the topics so far – they range from James Watt and the industrial revolution, his extensive and effective roles in his different work situations, the role of men and at some point we’ll get to the role of women, the role of children.

Tonight I’ll take a paragraph from a reading and we’ll discuss it.

So far this has brought a great joy and energy to the evening for the two of us”

We’ve also compiled some tips for our clients and carers to help you stay in touch and resources for beating the boredom. Check back often as we’ll be adding new tips all the time.

Get Connected!

There are many different ways of staying in touch with your friends and family.

If you use WhatsApp or FaceTime already, these are the easiest to use without having to learn something new.

Houseparty and Zoom are also both ideal and there are ‘elder-friendly’ instructions on how to use them, try these.


From Chairobics to Easy Yoga, there are many online classes for the elderly.

Why not exercise together?

Move it or Lose it!

Watch a Musical!

Every Friday at 7pm you can download an Andrew Lloyd Webber musical on YouTube to watch from your armchair, for free!

The musical maestro is also doing a collaboration online called ‘Composer in Isolation’ which you can actually get involved in signing along.

I’ll bet there are some of our clients who would relish the chance to belt out a bit of ‘Phantom’!


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