Christies Care offers peace of mind during pandemic

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As cases of Coronavirus rise again so too does concern for our loved ones, especially anybody who is caring for elderly parents and relatives.  

The Covid 19 pandemic has hit the care world hard. Elderly people and those with weakened immune systems are amongst those most vulnerable to this disease which means that safety is of paramount concern.     

All Christies Carers receive infection control training and are equipped with regulation PPE equipment to keep themselves and their clients safe. Staying at home during the pandemic has been the best way to protect the vulnerable and so it means that care at home, whether live-in care or hourly care, offers a safer and more effective environment for protecting elderly people when compared to the alternatives. 

Alongside better safety, home care offers a better quality of life which is another essential consideration for anyone in need of care. This is where home care, especially during this pandemic, is so obviously the best option. Care homes have had to take drastic measures to stop infection. Many have had to isolate residents in their rooms and visits from family are severely restricted and highly regulated. Receiving care at home ensures that those in need of care can still enjoy independence and whilst also providing much needed company. The pandemic and lockdown have shown us all how important social connection is. Loneliness can severely affect physical and mental wellbeing and whilst FaceTime, Zoom, WhatsApp or Houseparty are wonderful for bringing us together on a screen, they are no substitute for being with someone in person.   

Choosing care in your own home means you can retain your independence and allows you to have as close to a normal family life as possible. Unlike a care home, you can still live with your husband or wife, you can still have your pets and live with your normal routine.  

For people living alone, the carers themselves provide a great deal of companionship. They also provide certainty, communication and peace of mind for the children of people needing care. Especially during lockdown when it is much harder for families to visit, home care services provide valued reassurance for both clients and their loved ones, knowing the carer is available to keep the client safe and offer company.   

As testimony to this, we have received positive feedback from many families regarding their experience of Christies Care since the outbreak of Coronavirus. One client’s son wrote to us about one of our carers:  

“My mother’s carer has prepared all their meals from fresh produce, laundered and maintained cleanliness in the bungalow. During these troubled times, the carer has also helped administer the maintenance of my mother’s bungalow and ensuring workman’s services are Covid secure.  

Socially, the carer recently hosted and organised my mother’s 99th birthday by cooking and hosting a four-course lunch for my mother’s best friend residing in Ravenshead. It proved an uplifting experience for my mother. Her temperament changed, she became more lucid, thereby demonstrating that social interaction and diversity are essential if my mother is going to survive the COVID era. The carer has also organised many musical events on YouTube, Netflix etc. which have kept them both entertained and more cheerful.”  

What about paying for care at home? Care at home is undoubtedly better value than residential care. Home care lets the person being cared for have a normal life with comfort, freedom and independence. Especially in these challenging and uncertain times which have highlighted the weaknesses of care homes and the difficulties for those living in them.   

Many people are often surprised to learn that the cost of live-in care is close to the cost of a decent care home. In a large secret shopper exercise two years ago, the Live in Care information Hub found that live-in costs were on a par with about a third of care or nursing homes in the south east. There are also significant cost savings for a couple needing care.  If you would like to find out more speak to one of our team today. Call 01728 605107 to discuss your care needs.We can arrange a meeting online or in person to help devise a tailored live-in or hourly care plan for you. Visit to find out more about how we can help you. 


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