Christies Care Retains Outstanding CQC Rating

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Christies Care has been awarded the prestigious ‘Outstanding’ rating for the second consecutive time following a Care Quality Commission inspection.

To achieve this award puts us in a category with less than 3% of live-in care providers, UK wide.

To maintain it has been the result of consistent dedication by all the Christies Care teams involved in providing high-quality live-in Care – from the Christies Carers to the office staff who recruit and book the carers; the Care Team who prepare the best possible care packages for our clients; the award-winning Training Team and the support network both in the office and out in the field, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.

The CQC inspection took place over several days during July and August of this year and included visits to clients in their own homes as well as stringent analysis of the processes at Christies Care’s headquarters in Suffolk.

Within the summary of findings, we were delighted with the inspector’s comments:

“The staff were outstandingly responsive to the needs of people … providing a wide range of person-centred support and activities in line with the individual’s wishes.”

“Support provided met people’s needs so people could live as full a life as possible.”

“There were strong community links and people accessed their community regularly, supported by the staff.”

“People were at the centre of their care and found that their care and support was planned with them and not for them.”

Our success rests with the satisfaction of the people we support to live independently at home and their comments were just as important:

“Without exception, people praised the quality of the service they received from the Christies Care staff. People told us they felt safe and were supported by skilled staff who went above and beyond to ensure their needs had been met as they preferred.”

“Without exception, people we spoke with praised the exceptionally kind and caring nature of the staff. People felt valued and respected by staff who promoted their dignity and wellbeing.”

A local authority contracts manager reported this to the CQC:

“The service model and delivery of care are an effective means of providing 24 hour care to support individuals to remain living in their own home. I found the service was responsive, attentive, with good communications and had well organised systems in operation.”

Lin Barnes, Registered Manager and Director of Christies Care:

“In this industry, you can’t stand still. Regulatory changes and the changing political landscape mean we have to work hard to stay ahead of the game. Our team, from management to support staff, are all extremely motivated to deliver the very best care to our clients and support to our carers.

I’m so proud of them all for the contributions they make daily to maintain our forward momentum and it’s the icing on the cake that we were able to demonstrate this to the CQC again in our recent inspection.

It’s been a big year for us, we have secured some awards that reflect our hard work in the industry and we are ready to continue to deliver a really excellent service to our clients in 2020 and beyond.”

Freddy Gathorne-Hardy, Managing Director:

“Our clients deserve the best quality care. So we are very glad to see that the CQC recognise we do indeed give our clients properly outstanding care. Let us hope that a lot of other agencies can achieve this level because everyone deserves outstanding care; it is a pity that more than 90% of people who have care don’t get outstanding care.”


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